You have to do to teach

Like many others, I am sometimes prone to thinking less of myself than may be warranted. I was well sheltered for the first part of my life, and my personality was not one eager to test boundaries or wander far afield. Well-trod paths: that was and is still often my bread and butter. Now that I have young people in my life—nieces and nephews scattered about with our friends’ kids and foreign exchange students—I worry sometimes that I was too sheltered and did too little to provide adequate guidance for when they set out about living their lives and turn back for a quick word or thought before making for the door. Of course that’s partly rubbish. I have done many things and I seem to often have much to say or insight to provide. And, of course, in most cases the young’uns likely ignore most of what adult figures say. Still though, there is something crucial about having direct experiences to draw on. So for me that old expression of “those who can’t do, teach” is entirely backward. You can’t teach if you haven’t done.

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