The Tumult

Scotland is looking to pursue a second independence referendum; France, much like here in the States, is reflecting on times past and their current relative stature in the world; China and Russia are portrayed as ascendant; in Canada and Spain and elsewhere there are persistent rumblings or reformations. And, it seems, generally there are existential questions about the efficacy of Western-style democracies. In the moment it can feel like a crushing sweep of change and instability. But from a distance is it really different or worse than the whole of human history? Maps are constantly remade. As are countries and the makeup of their peoples. I write these words not to self-sooth or as a balm to the stories we think and tell of ourselves, but as a reminder that everything is very much a work in progress and always will be. Nothing is settled for long, and nothing lasts forever. That’s as it should be though. If it weren’t, things would mighty brittle and staid.

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