The Cosmic Eye

I've really enjoyed the somewhat recent explosion in popularity of microbreweries. It's fun to check out a new brewery every few weeks, and many of them have a unique feel and personality, like you might experience at a small coffee shop or book seller.

My favorite by far is a place called Cosmic Eye. They set up in what used to be a Laser Quest near where I live. At first I was really disappointed to see the Laser Quest go. I have a lot of memories there and I didn't like seeing it replaced by yet another bar, when we already have hundreds of those but not many fun things for kids to do.

Out of stubborn bitterness I didn't go there for the longest time, even after starting my slow tour of breweries. But eventually some friends contacted us and wanted to meet up there. When we walked in I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The best description I can come up with would be a Viking mead hall crossed with a teenage boy's room from the early 90s whose not quite sure if he's metal or goth. It sounds bizarre, and maybe it is, but it works. The warm nostalgic feeling it gives off is a bit like the way Stranger Things made me feel when I first watched it. It's quirky and fun and packed with personality. It's got the long wooden benches with here and there a nod to fantasy or metal bands or star wars. They also kept a lot of the trappings of the old laser quest, like the big light to announce a new round, the flooring, and some of the art work.

You can order a red hibiscus Laser Quest beer or others with incredible names like Unlock the Time Dragon, Everything Has Eyes or Gaze of the Basilisk. If you wear your metal shirt on certain days the first drink is free.

We were surprised when our friends asked us to bring our kids along to hang out with theirs. Not in a judgy way but because, wouldn't they be bored? But no, there's a kids room with board games and activities. And there was a guy selling nachos in the adjacent room. Again, I was dumbfounded.

It's a place that's hard to describe and, when you try, it sounds like way to much but it somehow comes together perfectly in my opinion. It's delightfully and unapologetically over-the-top. It's metal but it also knows you might have kids and might want to talk (so the music's not too loud). It's a gathering place as much as a place to drink, and I love that it pays homage to my old stomping grounds. Like with Laser quest I think it's impossible to go there and not be in a better mood for it.

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