The Climate Bootcamp

The Climate Bootcamp

Recently I learned about, which is something like an online bootcamp for climate change. They have a 12-week training course that covers the entire landscape of climate change from weather science to energy systems, to lobbying and activism. They even include courses on the psychological impacts of climate change and climate disasters.

Cohorts are small–around 30 people–and there talks and events mixed in, called "fireside chats" that include domain experts in topics relevant to the courses. I went to an open house for last week and they had graduates talk about their experience and the reviews were glowing, and really resonated with me. Climate change is such a big and daunting topic, and as someone who was mid-career in an unrelated field it's hard to see how you could possibly help. But emphasizes that, exactly because it's such a big problem, it requires a vast array of talents. The science is decided–I'm not sure we need more meteorologists telling us what we already know–but we definitely need marketing people, and project managers, writers, and engaged citizens from every industry and every walk of life.'s stated mission is to:

get 100 million people working to solve climate change by 2030

I'm a big fan of their approach, we definitely need their 100 graduates.

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