Rank Possibilities

I’m still digesting Lee Drutman’s comment below from election night over at FiveThirtyEight. I'm wondering how his suggestion for more political parties as a remedy for hyper-partisanship would work with ranked-choice voting. I tend to prefer the notion of having no political parties. But I acknowledge that doesn’t seem like a realistic expectation at the moment. Having more parties—instead of factions within the parties—also seems somewhat like a pipe dream. But perhaps it would be more palateable if there were a way to funnel votes from one preferred canditate to secondary selection.

Screenshot of Lee Drutman’s 11:20 PM comment on FiveThirtyEights’s 2020 election coverage post.
Lee Drutman, November 3, 2020, comment on “Updates: Tracking The Unresolved 2020 Races,” FiveThirtyEight, https://fivethirtyeight.com/live-blog/2020-election-uncalled-races/

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