Journal Entries

Cognitive Distortion. "So often, when we're anxious, we believe that thoughts are facts" - a Ten Percent Happier interview

"Why does the number keep going up???" - my daughter after she receives a hand-me-down fitness watch from her brother. Her mother's own daughter, she immediately starts worrying over the heart rate stats.

We kick our summer off with a Tom Hanks movie marathon. We land on A League of Their Own, and from the opening lines I'm suddenly home – my childhood home. I remember my sister watching this movie daily, the way my kids watch The Office. I remember every line. Why should this register as nostalgia – something lost, something sad?

Yet I would not call them
Voices of warning, that announce to us
Only the inevitable. As the sun,
Ere it is risen, sometimes paints its image
In the atmosphere – so often do the spirits
Of great events stride on before the events,
And in to-day already walks to-morrow
- from The Last Man
The struggle of men against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting - Milan Kundera

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