Molded, Formed, Not Set

Every other day I head out on a run. Every other day I wonder when I should do that. Part of the wonder is centered in things I can’t control but of which I need to be cognizant: lighting, temperature, and general weather conditions, as well as household needs and schedules. The rest of the question lies in the goings on of the office. Even before Covid, my place of business was very accommodating and accepting of personal needs. Doubly so now in the midst of a global pandemic. And yet I have this ingrained sense that makes me think twice about stepping away during the normal 9–5. I can think through that and still see to my needs when I have openings in my schedule, but the tension persists. And the longer it does the more I question the need to set up systems where people are out of play for so much of the day. Maybe it is more efficient and easy to plan for life when everyone’s hours resemble one another’s, but is that really the principle we should be using as our guide here: easy and efficiency of planning. I don’t know, but I want to say no.

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