Just drawing some clouds

There are some things about me in my forties that I absolutely would not have expected of myself in previous decades. Getting a good deal of joy from drawing clouds and the daily weather on our refrigerator whiteboard ranks high among them. Each day I get up, feed and let the dogs out, get the coffee going, and then sketch on our whiteboard what our day is looking like, complete with a weather report. I spend a good five to ten minutes drawing clouds or the sun or whatever little icon my weather app provides, and then adding some flourish to it. It’s increasingly becoming more of a creative endeavor. So much so that I’m actually thinking about getting some better color pens and a notebook in which to just compose other like doodles.

Dry erase marker drawing of clouds and rain in blue, orange, and purple.
Today’s weather report calls for rain.

I don’t know, but drawing a few clouds, having some coffee, reading a little, talking about planetary orbits and other random tidbits, and hunkering down around family life seems like a full and heartening day to me. I’m not sure I ever imagined myself living a flashy life, but I also didn’t expect to find so much comfort and joy in simple play.

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