Sasquatch Did What on Hulu?

The Sasquatch docu-series that just came out on Hulu is a trip. Billed as an investigation into the murders of three men in Northern California, supposedly at the hands of one Messr. Bigfoot, the audience quickly learns the real focus is instead cannabis farm culture in the “Emerald Triangle.” Interesting to be sure, but not exactly what the marketing suggested. Nonetheless, the filmakers do pay the idea of Sasquatch some heed. The segment that caught my attention revolves around an interview with an anthropologist in Idaho named Jeff Meldrum. Meldrum believes in Bigfoot, not as an article of faith, but because he feels the evidence is there. Specifcally he noted the sheer number of prints that have been recovered and the ways they accurately reflect the mechanics of a large creature’s movement and impressions. To him, it’s simply not plausible that enthusiastic spoofers would be able to pull that off at that scale over so long a time. As Leonard from Big Bang Theory suggested, while I may not believe in Bigfoot, it is kinda fun to scare yourself with the idea from time to time. I’m glad I have a new means with which to do so.

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