Echoes in the dark

With the fragmented nature of social media and the web in general these days, I can’t help but wonder for whom blogs really are for anymore.[1] I mean is this like the old-people’s Podcast now? Do people regularly tune in for posts? Shouldn’t we know for whom we are writing? And shouldn’t this mysterious audience likewise know what we are going to write about? Maybe I missed that team meeting, but my sense is that we, unlike the Cylons, don’t really much of a plan here.

So, I guess this is the Seinfeld of blogs at the moment—a blog about nothing and anything? (There’s a recipe for success!) But maybe that’s enough for NaBloPoMo[2]. But to echo a sentiment that Bryan forwarded in his post earlier today: I also really like the idea of blogs and of people writing and engaging thoughtfully with one another in this space. I don’t work in digital publishing for nothing. Bryan we’ve been tinkering in this space for what, twenty-odd years now. One of these days we’re sure to figure this out.

I suppose I have figured out a few things from the writing of this post. Markdown is fantastic for this kind of work and, like wearing neckties, I expect to also regularly employ footnotes. I mean, I have a fountain pen, bottle ink, and stationary. Why wouldn’t I also compose footnoted messages?

  1. Probably the same people who use whom in their daily lives. ↩︎

  2. NaBloPoMo—really? The teenager that still lives in me has to wonder if that also isn’t some kind of something-or-other that the Furry community gets up to after dark. ↩︎

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