Convenience Denies Us Riches

I have two dogs and a backyard fence. When the wee beasties need to go out, I can open a door and know they will be safe and secure on our land. When I’m tired or lazy, I can tell myself they had time enough outside, they don’t need a walk today. Likewise when it’s too cold or hot or it’s raining or windy.

Sometimes those are good reasons to not foray out into the wiles. More often though it is not. It’s a cheat. For them and me. That really came home for me today when I was compelled to take them out each time they needed. We applied some fertilizer to our yard yesterday, and I didn’t want them traipsing about through that until it’s well and good in the ground. So every ninety minutes or so today out we’d all go, walking down this street or that one. Maybe down to the mailbox or that cul-de-sac. These weren’t long trips, but they were meaningful, I think, for each of us. We got to share the experience of the walk and the weather. It gave me an excuse to gibber-jabber and for them to wag their tails. So while I’m glad for our fence, I know that too that it takes as much as it gives.

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