A ghost story

Yesterday my sister-in-law had something curious happen to her. She was in her office building alone with a client. The client was in the waiting area by the main entrance, and Sis was in her office. These two spaces are connected by a single, uninterrupted hallway. Between the two points there is one other office and a unisex bathroom. Sis was getting her space up to see her client when she heard the bathroom door shut out in the hallway. No big deal. But then ten, fifteen minutes go by and still no sign of the client. Concern was starting to set in. Perhaps this person had some kind of medical emergency and needed assistance. So Sis went to the door and knocked. Nothing. Odd, she thinks. On a whim she decides to go to front and just make sure the client didn’t quietly slip back to the waiting area. And indeed, there the person was. But they also noted that they didn’t use the facilities nor did anyone come in the one and only entrance. And the other office was unoccupied that day. So it seems the bathroom door shut on its own. When Sis later spoke to the person who uses the other office about this, they confirmed they have had similar experiences. Lights coming on by themselves, items moved very specifically, doors open that were shut. Curious stuff. I don’t believe in ghosts, but I also don’t disbelieve what these folks have experienced. I offer nor suggest any specific answers here. One can always speculate. Instead I’m going to choose to sit with the weird for a little bit and see what it offers.

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